We're proud of our widgets

Product page stars widget

Shows stars on the product page. When clicked, jumps to the reviews widget

List/collection stars widget

Shows stars in collecitons. When clicked goes to the product page

Opinew Reviews Widget

Widget that shows product reviews on your product page

All reviews page

Shows reviews from the whole shop on a dedicated page

Footer badges

A badge that shows the average star rating for the whole shop

Review Carousel

Shows a number of reviews selected by merchant in a carousel view

Effortless Product Review Import

Import Product Reviews from AliExpress, Amazon & eBay

With Opinew's unique product review autopilot feature,
you can import product reviews from AliExpress,
Amazon, and eBay directly to your store.

Display reviews directly in your store

Integrate trust badges on successful products

Customise how reviews display on your site

Are you a Dropshipper?

With Opinew, you can increase the busyness of your store by importing hundreds of reviews from AliExpress,
Amazon, or eBay. Let existing customers and product experts talk up your product range to new customers.

Give your customers the platform to share their positive experiences of your store.
Make your reviews do the talking with your unique styling and presence.

icon image

Request Reviews

Opinew lets you email review
requests post-purchase
icon image

Migrate Reviews

Import reviews from other popular
e-commerce platforms

Easy-to-use Chrome extension

opinew icon image
Quick Bulk Import

Import bulk reviews from
product sites

Product Import Integration

Link with product import systems
such as Oberlo

Feature Rich, Benefit Richer

Import Product Reviews

Import Product Reviews

One click importing of product reviews
from AliExpress, Amazon, & Ebay

Import Photo Reviews

Opinew allows you to import photo reviews
as well as text to increase impact

Migrate Reviews

Migrate existing reviews from review
platforms like Judgeme, Loox, Yotpo & more

opinew shopify app reviews
opinew shopify app reviews

Request Reviews

Email Integration

Use easily customizable email templates with
auto-send functionality to speak to customers

Printable Review Requests

Add a printed review request with your
dispatch note or invoice on delivery

Coupons & Incentives

Use custom generated coupons or discounts
to incentivize customers' reviews

Display Your Reviews

On Your Site

Match colours & fonts to your brand & site.
Use trust badges to promote successful products

In Search Engine Results

Opinew helps generate rich snippets for search
engine results with review stars & product info

On Social Media

Easily share your reviews directly to
Facebook & Twitter through your store

opinew shopify app reviews

Seamless Integration

One Click Install

Easily install Opinew on your Shopify store and
manage through our dashboard or Chrome Extension

No HTML Editing

No coding or web designer skills neccesary; just
one click and Opinew is easily added

Unrivaled Support

Quick & friendly live chat support, help centre
database, and user-focused blog content


Increase Conversions

Strong product focus backing helps

Build Customer Trust

Let positive customer experience drive
future customer engagement

Develop Lasting
Customer Relationships

Use offer codes and email marketing to
keep in touch with your customers

Easy Customization & CSS Integration

Full control to make Opinew match your store look and personality

Easy Customization

Brand it to your style with custom colors, fonts, styles and details

Use your logo or icons

Review Widget

Customise colours & content
to compliment your store

Email Request Templates

Create your own email content to
auto-respond on sales

Trust Badges

Assign badges to promote
popular products

CSS Integration

Integrate with custom Shopify themes

Enhance your customisable elements

Wondering how you can increase conversions on your store?

Try Opinew for free today

Start free trial