SEO & Page Speed

Let your reviews shine in search results and on your Shopify store.

Rich Snippets

Show stars and reviews in search results with Rich Snippets. Start showing your social proof even before your customer enters your shop.

Lightning Fast Loading Speed

We aggressively optimise our code to affect your page speed as little as possible, and keep your lighthouse scores high. You can be safe that you won’t get ranked down in search.

Caching in shopify metafields.

Avoiding unnecessary server calls from our widgets.

Minimal trimmed down CSS.

Minified, trimmed down javascript, distributed on a fast global CDN for instant access.

Image optimization

Optimized all review images and video thumbnails.

Distributed on a fast access global CD.

Lazy loaded.

Tip. Top. This is an absolutely smashingly well-realized application. It has solved, and I mean fully solved…an issue we’d had with for years with our old site. This app has really gamed out every last conceivable issue with product reviews from collection to syndication. It makes it astonishingly easy to surface product level reviews for pretty much everything we carry, the integration with Google Shopping was a snap, their documentation is excellent, and the install process was genuinely like magic….really, really fast and perfectly executed.

Whitaker Brothers

Trusted by over 10,000 Shopify Merchants

Explore our other features

Review Imports

Quickly import reviews from Amazon, Aliexpress and eBay and make your store busy with social proof in minutes.

AI Review Assistant

Set up your automated review assistant and sell more without having to do anything.


Opinew integrates with your favorite Shopify apps and suite of tools to build a strong and automated online store.

Review Display Widgets

Display review widgets at different steps of your customer’s buying process to drive more conversions & sales using user-generated content.